#297 When genres collide: “Anya’s Ghost” and “Heavy Liquid”

Heavy Liquid & Anya's GhostTim and Brandon take on two graphic novels: First, Vera Brosgol’s ghost/coming to America/coming-of-age story “Anya’s Ghost”; then, Paul Pope’s sci-fi/relationship/drug story “Heavy Liquid”.

#285 Comics Cooperatives (pt 1)

Comics CooperativesAre you in a comics cooperative? Would you like to be? What are the various things a group might offer its members?

This week we take a look at three different groups of comics creators in the US:

  • Dale Wilson and Vince Moore talk about The Antidote Trust in Los Angeles
  • Natalie Nourigat in Portland, Oregon, describes how Periscope Studio has helped her launch her comics career
  • Curt Gettman explains why he chose Pittsburgh to start Unicorn Mountain, a collective with a number of anthology books under its belt. Their latest is The Black Forest.

#268 Emerald City 2011, pt 1!

Armed with an awesome press pass, Tim walks the floor of Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon! It’s his first time attending a con, and as everyone keeps telling him, for a first-con experience, you can’t beat Emerald City. As he gathers material for future episodes of this podcast, Tim collects quick interviews, with creators known and unknown! All the names and links are below!

Tim’s Emerald City photo album on Facebook!

Continue reading #268 Emerald City 2011, pt 1!

#212 Emily the Strange

Emily the Strange

Emily the Strange began life as a character that appeared on merchandise, but lately she’s been fleshed out with a Dark Horse comics series and much more. Tim and Mulele talk about the first two trade paperback collections, and the controversy surrounding her origins.

Also, if you’re looking for a comics-creator “scene”, what’s the best city to go to? Some possibilities.