Critiquing Comics #057: “Sortafellas”

sortafellasSortafellas, a comic submitted to us by Ed M., is set on the mean streets of 1970s New York; a police “bag man” goes to “Junkie Central” to pick up bribe money for his superiors. Having seen only 10 pages, Mulele & Tim aren’t quite sure where it’s going, but would like to see more!

Critiquing Comics #056: Bounty Hunter #0

Bounty Hunter

You wake up to discover that the zombies have attacked, and you now have super powers! Lots of other stuff has also happened, but some of it stays frustratingly off-panel in Bounty Hunter #0, by Sean Koury and Scott Twells!

Critiquing Comics #055: “Rena Rouge”

renarougeTim and Mulele discuss Alan Caeser’s Rena Rouge–or at least, the art and coloring. The story, well… We’d critique it if we could.

Critiquing Comics #054: “Bud and Simon”

budandsimonWe can see why some of the characters in Bud & Simon are fuzzy — Bud is a koala — but why are the buildings? Is it a parody of spy tropes, or a serious attempt that doesn’t quite get the tropes right? Tim and Mulele examine David Starbuck’s comic to answer the surprisingly tricky question: Is it lame or awesome?

Critiquing Comics #053: “Barbadango”

barbadangoThis is the prettiest comic we’ve seen in quite a while! Gorgeous art and a promising story characterize George Caltsoudas’ all-ages digital comic Barbadango. Tim and Mulele savor.

Critiquing Comics #052: “Super Inc, Villians’ Edition”

Super Inc

Listener Aghori Shaivite asked us to look at his comic, Super Inc. Villians’ Edition, which explores the lives of the villians he has created for his superhero comics. Unfortunately, Tim and Mulele have identified a number of problems with the writing…

Critiquing Comics #051: “Black Alpha”

Black AlphaIn Deconstructing Comics #303, Tim talked to Tom Rasch about how he was monetizing his comics project Black Alpha, a superheroes-in-space story. Now he’s asked Tim and Mulele to critique the first issue. They find that, while it’s a nice-looking comic, it has some issues…

Critiquing Comics #050: “Shattered with Curve of Horn”

shatteredwithcurveWhat happened on that night eight years ago? An experimental drug was tried by four friends, leading to widely contrasting outcomes for each. That’s the premise of Shattered with Curve of Horn, by Max Miller Dowdle. Tim and Mulele critique.

Critiquing Comics #049: “Utopiates”

utopiatesA near-future scenario where contractor-employed soldiers are administered a certain drug before going into battle… Tim and Mulele take on Utopiates by Josh Finney and Kat Rocha. Will they get addicted, or have a bad trip?