Critiquing Comics #237: “Detective Perez: Autotropolis” and “Griz Grobus”

Detective Perez

Paul Pate releases his third “Detective Perez” graphic novel, called Autotropolis, a turned-to-eleven detective story that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Tim and Jason find a lot to like and not too terribly much to advise on — though of course almost any work can still be improved! Right?

Griz Grobus

Griz Grobus, the latest from Simon Roy, is about a robot advocate for eating your veggies on a planet where humans have settled just in the past few hundred years. It’s also about how the spirit of a war god ends up in the body of… well, that would be telling. Tim and Adam discuss whether, in this case, maybe a work can’t possibly be improved!

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Critiquing Comics #236: “Clover and Cutlass” and “Coiled to Strike”

"Clover and Cutlass" and "Coiled to Strike"

Clover and Cutlass is a Dungeons and Dragons-inspired fantasy YA comedy web comic by Toby Boyd. Adam joins Tim to discuss. Coiled to Strike is an anthology book from Wildstar Press, featuring numerous artists and writers, focused on the adventures of legendary wild west antihero Emory Graves. Jason joins Tim to critique.

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Critiquing Comics #235: “Rebirth of the Gangster” and “Toe & So Long”

Rebirth of the Gangster, Toe and So Long

Critiquing Comics returns, with a comic that we just couldn’t put down, and one that we couldn’t quite pick up on! Jason joins Tim to discuss Rebirth of the Gangster: The Complete Collection, a crime novel with incredible forward momentum by Writer CJ Standal and Artist Juan Romera. Then Adam and Tim critique Toe & So Long, a rather cosmicky, rather AdventureTimey comic created by Jacob Michael Campbell with art by Alexis Vivallo.

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Critiquing Comics #233: “The World of Tomorrow” and “Prism Stalker”

World of Tomorrow - Prism Stalker

In this edition, we rejoin The World of Tomorrow, a comic we discussed the first issue of five years ago! This is the one about an actor in, roughly, the 1950s, who stars in a space ranger TV show that’s on the verge of cancellation. Now writer Giles Clarke has sent us the second and third issues, and Jason and Tim take a look at them.

Then, Adam joins Tim to discuss the first volume of Prism Stalker by Sloan Leong. It’s kind of a psychedelic science fiction book that touches on immigration and other issues, and it’s a bit difficult to get into at first. In this episode you can hear us warm up to the comic even as we’re reviewing it!

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Critiquing Comics #232: “Sons of Thunder” and “The Lamb”

Sons of Thunder and The Lamb

Critiquing Comics is back, with discussions of two interesting comics from listeners. Stephen Grow sent us Sons of Thunder, a one-panel cartoon aimed at Christians and reflecting life in a small-town church, but likely with wider appeal. Then, Kristin Tipping (now going by “Tin Tipping”) returns with a creepy barnyard tale, The Lamb.

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Critiquing Comics #231: “Pimp Killer”

Pimp Killer

When it comes to truth in advertising, the title of this comic is an award winner: Ghezal Omar‘s Pimp Killer (with art by Ayhan Hayrula and lettering by Phillip Ginn) is about a woman named L.A. Jones who… kills pimps. Or at least tries to. She also does nasty things to guys who abuse their girlfriends, and, in general, lives large, and the comic doesn’t hold back on any of it. Jason joins Tim to talk about the latest from Ghezal (whose work we looked at once before).

Critiquing Comics #230: “Thready” #2 and “Tales from the Interface” #4

"Thready" #2 and "Tales from the Interface" #4

Sometimes the topics of Critiquing Comics episodes come back for seconds – or thirds! We look at a couple of these repeat submitters this week:

    • Thready #2, “Tuesday,” by Brandon Hayes with art by James the Stanton, highlights the problem many bipolar people have with hypersexuality. Tim and Jason discuss
    • Tales from the Interface, Emmanuel Filteau’s look at a future world dominated by a computer system, is back with its 4th issue, discussed by Tim and Adam.

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Critiquing Comics #229: “Christiania”


Christiania, a silent comic written by 13-year-old Abi Behe, is a take on the ills of social media by someone who has never lived in a world without online culture. But silent comics can be a storytelling challenge. How did artist Taka do on getting the story across? This time, Tim and Jason critique Christiania.

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Critiquing Comics #228: “Galacto: Pit Fighter” #2 “Requiem for a Humanzee”

Galacto 2

Kirt Burdick is back with the second issue of his hyper-violent science fiction comic Galacto: Pit Fighter, “Requiem for a Humanzee.” It’s good and bloody, but is it bloody good? Tim and Adam critique.

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Critiquing Comics #227: “Mayfield Eight” #1-#4

Mayfield Eight

“A biker revenge tale” isn’t a story pitch that appeals to everyone, but any kind of story can get a thumbs up if it’s well-done! This time Tim and Adam discuss the first four issues of Mayfield Eight, written and illustrated by Tim Larsen.

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