#066 Scott McCloud’s “Making Comics”… um, Part One! Yeah, that’s it!

"Making Comics" by Scott McCloudHow could we even attempt to give a brief overview to Scott McCloud’s Making Comics, a book that’s so essential to the mission of our podcast?! We try anyway, before deciding to less review this book than, perhaps, to use it as a guiding force for our comics-creation podcast…

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Storytelling Problem in Civil War #6

We had to read these pages twice before they made sense…

#065 “Box Office Poison”

Box Office Poison

We again slather praise on Alex Robinson, this time for his first book, Box Office Poison. We compare it with Tricked and examine Robinson’s storytelling techniques.

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Read Alex Robinson interviews on:



Legion of Doom

#064 Milton Caniff and “Steve Canyon”

For our final look at Will Eisner’s Shop Talk (and isn’t it about time?), we discuss Milton Caniff, who spent four decades on the daily newspaper strip Steve Canyon. We reminisce about girl-on-girl torture and look at where you can read Steve’s adventures.

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Tim’s other site (for Japanese learners of English)

Humorous Maximus (publishing 1947 Steve Canyon strips)

Comics Curmudgeon (actually, where I found out about Humorous Maximus!)

#063 Coloring Comics… For example, “Arkham Asylum”!

Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious EarthTim’s finally started reading the DC Comics Guide to Coloring and Lettering Comics, borrowed from Brandon back in July! We talk about coloring comics in Photoshop, and also discuss the classic Batman graphic novel Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth!

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#062 “Queen and Country”

A discussion of Greg Rucka and Steve Rolston’s Queen and Country leads to an evaluation of how comics stand up against other “visual narrative media.”

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Queen and Country TPB #1
Operation: Broken Ground

The silhouette in the background of panel one is the guy in the foreground of panel two. But the street corner sure has gotten a lot closer!

Th-the resemblance is… UNCANNY!

Heaviest. Toy gun. EVER.

Angela Chang or Cheng or whatever your name is… will you please get those frickin’ chopsticks out of your hair?!

#061 “Kingdom of the Wicked”

Kingdom of the WickedKingdom of the Wicked, by Ian Edginton and D’Israeli, gets our hopes up and dashes them. Also, what C.C. Beck told Will Eisner.

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