#136: “How to Make Webcomics”

How to Make WebcomicsWeb cartoonists review a book by Web cartoonists on Web cartooning! Tim and Mulele are joined by Patrick G in reviewing the book by Brad Guigar, Kris Straub, Dave Kellett, and Scott Kurtz.

7/14/2008: “How to Make Webcomics”

HalfPixel (home of the authors of this book)

The Abominable Charles Christopher


Ink Dick

#135: “Discovered”

DiscoveredWe talk about the comics anthology Discovered, from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Reading anthologies is easy, reviewing them is hard. So Tim calls up SCAD faculty member Shawn Crystal to talk about the college, the book, and his own comics projects.

7/7/08 Discovered

#134: “The R. Crumb Handbook”

6/30/08 “The R. Crumb Handbook”

The R. Crumb HandbookA recent R. Crumb compilation is reviewed by a Crumb connoisseur (Kumar) and a Crumb newbie (Tim). The book features Crumb at his sweetest and his most shocking. But can this (or any book) claim to be the perfect Crumb compilation?

#132: Comics creation: Processes and Inspiration

ModbookTim meets up with Mulele and Patrick G to answer questions from Brandon about a proposed comics-producing process, and address the classic creator’s quandry: What do you do when you just don’t feel inspired?

6/16/08 Processes and Inspiration

Zombie 1.0 (Brandon’s comic)



Making Riceboy


Tim, Brandon, and Mulele review League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol. 2 (May 1, 2006)

#130 “Scott Pilgrim” and “Paul Has a Summer Job”

6/2/08 Scott Pilgrim

Scott PilgrimTwo Canadian coming-of-age comics: “Scott Pilgrim” by Bryan Lee O’Malley, and “Paul Has a Summer Job” by Michel Rabagliati!

#129 Matt Silady’s graphic novel workshop

Matt Silady makes his triumphant return to the podcast, to talk about his Eisner nomination, the graphic novel workshop he recently taught, and drawing right on the the computer screen.

#128 The Orphan Works Bill

orphan worksThe Orphan Works bill in front of the U.S. Congress now poses huge problems for creators, especially in visual media, all over the world. Tim talks to Brad Holland from the American Society of Illustrators Partnership.

Tell your congressional reps to vote against this bill

Orphan Works Resource Page for Artists