#656 “My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness”

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness

Kabi Nagai’s My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness, while it does include lesbian sex scenes of a sort, is less about sex than you might expect. It’s more about mental health, and asserting the right to go against other people’s expectations. Tim and Mulele review, and find that, in spite of our being two straight guys, the story still resonates with us.

Also, could Diamond Comics’ COVID-19-related shutdown mean a simple pause in business as usual? A new era of non-monopolistic comics distribution? Or… the end of weekly “floppies” altogether?

#374 Adventures in Comics Retailing, with James Sime

isotopeSo what’s it like to be an American comics retailer in 2013? Is the digital market your friend, or a sworn enemy? What kind of hassles are presented by the weekly shipments of new comics? Is there any reason to stock back issues these days? In this episode, Tim explores these issues and more with James Sime, co-owner of Isotope Comics in San Francisco!

#239 Comixology

Comixology.com, which first appeared as a comics information site with pull lists, surprised a lot of people when it branched into selling major-publisher comics for the iPhone. Says CEO David Steinberger: “A lot of people see this as transforming; we see it as following our business plan.” This week Steinberger talks to Tim about formatting print comics for electronic viewing, why electronic comics are not a threat to print, and the possibility of e-rotic e-comics.

#173 Diamond and the U.S. Comics Market

3/30/09 Diamond and the U.S. Comics Market

Is the hysteria over Diamond’s sales $1000 sales threshold increase founded? Tim talks to two publishers, a retailer, and a Diamond VP and finds that, while the seas are not always smooth sailing, the ship that is the U.S. comics market does not seem to have too many leaks.


#156 Ed the Happy Clown

12/1/08 Ed the Happy Clown

Ed the Happy ClownEd the Happy Clown is a kooky, scary, funny, comic, Chester Brown’s first claim to fame. Tim and Mulele attempt to review it, as well as touching on Diamond’s new UPC/ISBN requirement, and an update on Mulele’s progress on his various projects.