#429 Convention Talk with Irene

Tim, Mulele, and IreneIrene of Studio Revolver stopped through Tokyo recently! In this episode, she chats with Tim and Mulele about displaying  work at conventions, and how conventions are changing.

We also visit Tokyo’s massive Comiket event (imagine a San Diego-sized con that’s entirely Artist’s Alley!) and give our impressions.

#408 Studio Revolver

Studio RevolverTim talks with the members of Studio Revolver in Atlanta, some of whom are have done work for Cartoon Network and storyboarded TV commercials. Not beginners, these are folks who are accomplished and in demand.

So why’d they decide to make their own Web comics? Isn’t that how artists try to make names for themselves? Time times are a-changin’…

Irene Strychalski’s “Shaman Child”

Stephanie Gladden’s “Girls of Monster Paradise”

Rod Ben (Killamari)

Dominike Stanton

Tariq Hassan

Johnathan Floyd