Critiquing Comics #091: Doomsday Burgers, Don’t Be a Dumbass, Four Fables

Doomsday Burgers, Don't Be a Dumbass, Four Fables

Tim and Mulele dig into three more of the comics that Tim brought back from MoCCA Fest:

Critiquing Comics #089: Beads

beadsA string of beads, a birthmark, and a string of romances through history that end in various types of tragedies. Irene Strychalski‘s silent comic Beads presents this simple yet profound story in her stunning artwork. Tim and Mulele discuss.

Critiquing Comics #088: Mushroom Madness

mushroommadnessMichael Bangert, who sent us Viking Sky Kings some time back, has returned with a new comic, Mushroom Madness. He’s taken a comics writing class since his last outing; Tim and Mulele can see ways that it’s helped… and progress yet to be made.

Critiquing Comics #087: Trans-Planetarium

Trans-planetariumA transgender person (identifying as a woman) attempts suicide in a bathtub. Then an angel appears! The woman’s wrists are healed and the angel shows her how her life could be better. A comic whose heart is in the right place, but could use some adjustment in its delivery. Tim and Mulele discuss Trans-planetarium, but Flip Knox, John Amberia, and Shallamar Muggott; and also look back on Mulele’s just-completed Kickstarter project.

Critiquing Comics #086: Holy F*cked

holyfkedNick Marino and Arruda Massa are back with Holy F*cked, the follow-up to their highly irreverent comedy Holy F*ck, starring Jesus and Satan in a romantic relationship. Does this book hold a candle to the first? Tim and Mulele discuss.

Also, a progress report on Mulele’s ongoing Kickstarter project!

Critiquing Comics #085: Twisted Dark vol. 5

Twisted DarkTwo years after critiquing volume one of writer Neil Gibson’s Twisted Dark anthology series, Tim and Mulele take a look at volume 5. The takeaway? An improvement… but a piece of advice: be aware of the difference between “End” and “To Be Continued”.

Also, we discuss Mulele’s Kickstarter project!

Critiquing Comics #084: Bayne: Legacy Apocalypse

Bayne: Legacy ApocalypseBayne: Legacy Apocalypse, from Silver Axe Comics, features an axe-wielding Morpheus-from-The-Matrix type in a post-apocalyptic California battling mutants or vampires or what-have-you. Jay Reed’s art is much more than serviceable; it’s quite nice. Chyna McCoy’s script, however… well, listen to find out what Tim and Mulele have to say about it.

#480 (some of) the Best Comics from Kaigai

Best of Kaigai 2015You heard many of the artists who attended Tokyo’s International Comics Festival (Kaigai Manga Festa) back in November. But how are the comics themselves? This week Mulele and Tim read some of the comics they picked up at the festival and discuss some of the best!

Also, a quickie, spoiler-free review of The Force Awakens!

Critiquing Comics #083: The Shepherd: Apokatastasis

The Shepherd

A man’s son unexpectedly dies of a drug overdose. The father senses that his son’s spirit hasn’t passed over to “the other side” and needs help, and the father goes to great lengths to help him — and also to avenge his death. Does the father — and the comic — go a bit off the rails? Tim and Mulele discuss Andrea Lorenzo Molinari, Roberto Xavier Molinari, Ryan Showers, and Heather Breckel’s The Shepherd: Apokatastasis!