#249 Matt Kindt’s “Revolver”

RevolverWith a main character who “revolves” between a mundane world where he has a lousy job, and an alternate world where multiple terrorist attacks have thrown the average person into a bleak, violent survival mode, Revolver (by past guest Matt Kindt) explores issues from nature vs. nurture to violence in video games. Tim and Brandon review.

#245 Can we still marvel at “Marvels”?

MarvelsThe 1994 release of Marvels took comics by storm. The four-issue miniseries established the places of both hyperrealistic painter Alex Ross and continuity maven Kurt Busiek in the industry. There’s still plenty here to make it a standout story 16 years later, but has some of the shine come off? And, is making a logical narrative out of a mainstream comic companies’ disparate series really doable? Tim and Kumar discuss.

Also, Patrik W resurfaces to talk with Tim about the upcoming American Comics Exhibition in Tokyo. Tim, Patrik, and 13 other artists will be displaying their work!