#656 “My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness”

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness

Kabi Nagai’s My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness, while it does include lesbian sex scenes of a sort, is less about sex than you might expect. It’s more about mental health, and asserting the right to go against other people’s expectations. Tim and Mulele review, and find that, in spite of our being two straight guys, the story still resonates with us.

Also, could Diamond Comics’ COVID-19-related shutdown mean a simple pause in business as usual? A new era of non-monopolistic comics distribution? Or… the end of weekly “floppies” altogether?

#349 Expanding comics’ audience, pt 1

Recently asked on our Facebook group: What would you do if you controlled Marvel and/or DC? This led to another question: How can comics, particularly in the US, gain a larger audience?

No one’s really sure of the answer to the second question, but its a good springboard for podcast discussion of comics evangelism and the state of the industry in general. What role will digital comics play? In the first installment of an occasional series, Tim bounces these questions off our friend Tom Spurgeon.