Critiquing Comics #067: Headshrinker’s Press Presents

Headshrinker's Press PresentsTim and Mulele look at Headshrinker’s Press Presents #1, an anthology book with stories of various genres, stories to amaze and confound. Especially confound.

Critiquing Comics #066: Ghoul Squad

Ghoul SquadA vampire recruits a Frankenstein-type monster, a witch, and a man-bat to turn around the public perception of “monsters” by protecting humans from supernatural evil. It’s a sound enough concept, with plenty of story opportunities on offer. Unfortunately, in Ghoul Squad #1, writer Brandon Rhiness missed most of them. Tim and Mulele discuss.

Critiquing Comics #065: “Square” #11

Square #11Ian McMurray‘s Square #11 is a tour de force of autobiographical cartooning, eschewing chronology, switching up styles, and closely observing himself and the things and people around him. He digs deep within himself and still makes it a fun read. Tim and Mulele discuss.

Buy this comic for $1.00 here

Critiquing Comics #064 “R.U.N.”

RUNA parkour manga from Greece is the topic. A parkour manga featuring a French high school student in suburban Tokyo, and a mysterious punk-ninja-parkour gang. What could go wrong? In fact, Tim and Mulele find, surprisingly little!

R.U.N. by Kariofillis Chris Chatzopoulos, Rafail Voutsidis, Lagouvardos Manos, and Nikitas Efimidis

Critiquing Comics #063.5 Angie Bongiolatti

Angie BongiolattiCritiquing Comics returns at last, with a look at Mike Dawson’s Angie Bongiolatti,
a story of twentysomethings in New York just after 9/11. The book has been published by Secret Acres, and Tim and Mulele can see why: the art and scripting are well done. And yet…something about this book is not quite there.

Critiquing Comics #063 “Demon Archives”

Demon ArchivesJust because a story is full of tropes doesn’t mean it’s bad. Consider Demon Archives, by Daniel Sharp and Sebastian Piriz. Postapocalyptic future? Check. Members of a troop being picked off one by one, by an unknown enemy? Check. A.I. who may or may not be on the heroes’ side? Check.

And yet, much of it moves along quite nicely, including an exciting battle scene. Still, certain questions remain to be answered. Tim and Mulele weigh the pluses and minuses.

Critiquing Comics #062: “Devil Dealers”

Devil DealersA slimy gambler goes up against the Devil, betting his soul vs. half the money in the world. Score! He’s then approached by some people who promise him a great reward if he funds their plans. He joins them, going up against (and beating) the hapless Devil repeatedly. It’s hard not to have some sympathy for the Devil when he keeps getting trounced by a slimeball. Tim and Mulele take on Ross May and Brett Wood’s Devil Dealers.

Critiquing Comics #061: “Biowars”

biowarsThis week, the comic that shows there’s definitely an “I” in “Immune system”! In Biowars, the body’s defenses against disease appear as egotistical, infighting super heroes. And… very nice art, and… Hmm, something missing here. Tim and Mulele give this comic a proper physical.

Critiquing Comics #060: “Bits Fair”

bitsfair Irya is a boy in a unidentified country. His brother has just left, saying he’s going to “farm”. Then, Irya moves rocks by telekinesis. Wait, what? Tim and Mulele discuss Bits Fair, a Web comic that’s basically good, but could use some tweaking — in terms of the writing, and other things as well…

Critiquing Comics #059: Twisted Dark

twisteddarkWe all know the appeal of stories with twist endings. But what exactly constitutes a twist ending? And what other factors do you need to make it work? Brandon joins Tim and Mulele to discuss Neil Gibson’s Twisted Dark, vol 1.