#075 “Y: The Last Man” vol. 2

Y: The Last Man vol 2Good and bad on Y: The Last Man vol. 2: Cycles, and a digression on coincidences in Star Wars. But first, Brandon has an announcement…

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#074 We like this stuff! “100 Bullets” vol 10 and more

Hundred Bullets vol 10We like this stuff! Hundred Bullets: Decayed, Fear Agent vol. 1, Tag & Bink Were Here, and Top 10 vol. 2!

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#072 Scott McCloud’s “Four Tribes”

"Making Comics" by Scott McCloudOK, we lied! Making Comics again serves as a catalyst for discussion, specifically McCloud’s idea of four “tribes” of comics creators .

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#071 Your Comics Tools: Computer, or Pen and Ink?

"Making Comics" by Scott McCloudJoined by Mulele, we wrap up our discussion of Scott McCloud’s Making Comics with a discussion of the pros and cons of computer comics creation vs. the traditional way, and deciding which is best for your comic.

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The Axiotron ModBook — Mac OS on a tablet

#066 Scott McCloud’s “Making Comics”… um, Part One! Yeah, that’s it!

"Making Comics" by Scott McCloudHow could we even attempt to give a brief overview to Scott McCloud’s Making Comics, a book that’s so essential to the mission of our podcast?! We try anyway, before deciding to less review this book than, perhaps, to use it as a guiding force for our comics-creation podcast…

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Storytelling Problem in Civil War #6

We had to read these pages twice before they made sense…