Critiquing Comics #238: “Jane Jet” and “The Fog Within”

Once again we take a look at some comics submitted by their creators; we talk about what we liked about them and what could have been better.
Jane Jet
Jane Jet book 1: Nuclear Shadows, by writer Amal Desai and artist Paul Essenson, recalls Dave Stevens’ Rocketeer — the art, the jet-pack concept, the time period — but it deals with a woman getting out of an abusive relationship. Tim and Jason critique.

The Fog Within

The Fog Within, by writer Sean Wood and artist Deivid Deon, is a post-apocalyptic science fiction story, which… might have a few too many story elements. Tim and Adam discuss issues 1 and 2.

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Resident of Japan since 1989, creator of "The Crazing Spider-Hag"

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