#713 “Second Coming” Comes Back

Second Coming 2Mark Russell & Richard Pace’s Second Coming stirred up controversy before it even came out, because it was a comic book pairing Jesus Christ with a superhero. But once it did hit the stands, the reviews were mainly positive, including on this podcast. Now the second six-issue “season” of the comic has wrapped up, and Will Weaver again joins Tim to consider how Second Coming: Only Begotten Son stacks up against the original.

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#679 Mark Russell

Billionaire IslandMark Russell has been one of the standout comics writers of the past five years, in part because he’s possibly the only mainstream comics writer doing satire (or, he would argue, fables). Since he burst on the scene with Prez and The Flintstones, he’s written a number of comics for several publishers that aren’t just comedy or action, they express his views and have deeper meanings.

This time, Tim’s interview with Mark. How did he get into comics, and start out in a Big Two book? Why did he use ’60s Hanna-Barbera character Snagglepuss to tell a story of gays in the 1950s? How do you “punch someone in the beef”? What inspired his latest, Billionaire Island? And how does he feel about being the only writer of his kind in mainstream comics?

#648 A Fresh “Second Coming”

Second Coming

In Second Coming, Mark Russell explores how Christianity has gone wrong, and that way of thinking where violence is the answer to everything. It certainly wasn’t what Jesus taught, and yet Russell’s disillusioned Jesus starts to think violence might be all there is. Will Weaver joins Tim to discuss this controversial series, and why it’s worth reading.