#442 The DC Super Friends: A kid’s-eye view

DC Super Friends issue 17

More than once, this podcast has explored the question of comics for kids. What we’ve never done, though, is ask an actual kid about his opinion of the comics he reads!

So this week, Kumar is joined by his son Ashwin, 7, to discuss eight different issues of DC Super Friends, from a few years back, and also a 2014 issue of Scooby-Doo Team-up!

DC Super Friends issues discussed:
#17 Just In Time
#18 This Am Not the Title
#5 Go Ape!
#11 Imp-Possible!
#16 Stopped Cold
#7 Just My Luck
#8 Nothing to Fear
#13 The Greatest Show on Earth
Scooby-Doo Team-up #5

Continue reading #442 The DC Super Friends: A kid’s-eye view

#425 Aquaman: Why he’s not lame


While Aquaman has been around since 1941 and been through several badass incarnations, it seems everyone but dedicated Aquaman readers still thinks of him as the lightweight, Super Friends Aquaman. Tim, who’s been getting into the current Aquaman series, is joined this week by longtime Aquaman reader Emmet O’Cuana to sift through the character’s long history, various conflicting origin stories, costume changes, supporting cast, and more.