#253 “Confederacy” and Collaboration

The Martian Confederacy returns! As volume 2 moves toward its release,  artist Paige Braddock and writer Jason McNamara return to the podcast to discuss Mars in the year 3535, as well as the good and bad points of their collaboration.

#205 What is “good coloring”?

11/9/09 What is “good coloring”?

If you’ve been feeling like mainstream comics coloring is sometimes over-rendered, hyper-realistic, and/or muddy, you’re not alone. Ron Richards has been very vocal in, er, expressing his displeasure with it on the iFanboy podcast. Ron joins Tim and colorist Brian Miller of Hi-Fi Design to discuss the reasons the color turns out that way, problems that colorists should learn to avoid, and, well, just what is “good coloring” anyway?