#171 “Blacksad” and the Fibonacci numbers

3/16/09 “Blacksad” and the Fibonacci numbers

Blacksad What are the Fibonacci numbers, and how do they relate to European comic “Blacksad”? Mulele explains it to Tim. Also: the latest on Mulele’s quest to publish a comic in Japan; and what lessons does Tim’s (non-comics) publishing experience have for any creator looking for a publisher?

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Resident of Japan since 1989, creator of "The Crazing Spider-Hag"

2 thoughts on “#171 “Blacksad” and the Fibonacci numbers”

  1. hey tim!
    your podcasts seem to start from 119. Does that mean you have 119 podcast that aren’t archived? Would be great to get them up there if they are available!

  2. Hi, Qamar,

    Two issues regarding the old podcasts — server space to be eaten up by the old episodes, and the time it would take to enter all those episodes in WordPress so they would appear on the site!

    I’m intending to get some of the best episodes put back up there eventually…



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