#085 The Secret Plot, Revealed!

SkrullStarbucks becomes too noisy, so Tim and Mulele evacuate (at 2:44) to a department store stairwell to discuss whether a writer should go ahead with an idea after discovering someone else has already done it. Case in point: Brian Michael Bendis, the return of the Skrulls, and Battlestar Galactica.

#082 Web comics: What happens if the big players get involved?

Diesel SweetiesPublishing online opens your comic up to a worldwide audience. But if the major players in print comics start publishing online, will they stamp out all the one-horse comics out there? Is there room on the Web for all of us?

Time article about Web comics

#075 “Y: The Last Man” vol. 2

Y: The Last Man vol 2Good and bad on Y: The Last Man vol. 2: Cycles, and a digression on coincidences in Star Wars. But first, Brandon has an announcement…

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#074 We like this stuff! “100 Bullets” vol 10 and more

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