Critiquing Comics #231: “Pimp Killer”

Pimp Killer

When it comes to truth in advertising, the title of this comic is an award winner: Ghezal Omar‘s Pimp Killer (with art by Ayhan Hayrula and lettering by Phillip Ginn) is about a woman named L.A. Jones who… kills pimps. Or at least tries to. She also does nasty things to guys who abuse their girlfriends, and, in general, lives large, and the comic doesn’t hold back on any of it. Jason joins Tim to talk about the latest from Ghezal (whose work we looked at once before).

Critiquing Comics #230: “Thready” #2 and “Tales from the Interface” #4

"Thready" #2 and "Tales from the Interface" #4

Sometimes the topics of Critiquing Comics episodes come back for seconds – or thirds! We look at a couple of these repeat submitters this week:

    • Thready #2, “Tuesday,” by Brandon Hayes with art by James the Stanton, highlights the problem many bipolar people have with hypersexuality. Tim and Jason discuss
    • Tales from the Interface, Emmanuel Filteau’s look at a future world dominated by a computer system, is back with its 4th issue, discussed by Tim and Adam.

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Critiquing Comics #229: “Christiania”


Christiania, a silent comic written by 13-year-old Abi Behe, is a take on the ills of social media by someone who has never lived in a world without online culture. But silent comics can be a storytelling challenge. How did artist Taka do on getting the story across? This time, Tim and Jason critique Christiania.

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Critiquing Comics #228: “Galacto: Pit Fighter” #2 “Requiem for a Humanzee”

Galacto 2

Kirt Burdick is back with the second issue of his hyper-violent science fiction comic Galacto: Pit Fighter, “Requiem for a Humanzee.” It’s good and bloody, but is it bloody good? Tim and Adam critique.

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Critiquing Comics #227: “Mayfield Eight” #1-#4

Mayfield Eight

“A biker revenge tale” isn’t a story pitch that appeals to everyone, but any kind of story can get a thumbs up if it’s well-done! This time Tim and Adam discuss the first four issues of Mayfield Eight, written and illustrated by Tim Larsen.

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Critiquing Comics #226: “Immortalis” #1 and #2


A few weeks back, Tim and Jason discussed Sean Lewis’ Immortalis— issue 3. This time, we’re reading the first two issues, and grasping, in some ways, why he made issue 3 first. But if you need to start with issue 3 to hook readers, isn’t that indicative of a problem with the first two issues?

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Critiquing Comics #225: “Holy West” #1

Holy West

A supernatural western, Holy West, captivates Tim and Adam in this episode. The comic features smart writing by Seth Jacob and beautiful art by Daniel Irizarri. Now that we’ve given away whether we liked it, listen to the show and check out the comic!

Buy Holy West #1

Lettering tips from Nate Piekos

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Critiquing Comics #224: “Immortalis”


Immortalis is the story of a 19th-century woman, transplanted to the 21st, who is expected to be the world’s savior in a war between gods. But how did she get to the 21st century? Who is this team who has revived her? And… why did the creators start with issue 3? Tim and Jason try to answer these questions and give their opinions of the book.

Immortalis Kickstarter (funded!)

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Critiquing Comics #223: “Here 2 Cypher”


Here 2 Cypher is an anthology of stories written by Brandon Hayes, whose story Thready Tim and Jason enjoyed back in January. Does this set of stories stack up against that book? The guys evaluate the collection in this episode.

Here 2 Cypher‘s Kickstarter

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Critiquing Comics #222: “Berserker Monk”

Berserker Monk

Berserker Monk is a violent, but slightly humorous, comic that’s been pitched as “Tarantino meets The Last Airbender.” The creators — Josh Thompson, Gabriel Roldan, Leland Bjerg — are currently kickstarting it. How are Tim and Jason feeling about this comic? Listen and find out.